Nevell Group, Inc. has made safety a priority over productivity. Our Safety Committee, made up of a Safety Director, Senior Management, Operations, and field employees, meets every two weeks.
We maintain our current Experience Modification Rate (EMR) of .83 by using proven techniques including written injury and incident prevention programs, specialty training, job site safety meetings, and job site audits. Safety Plans are customized for each project by identifying site specific hazards and providing solutions to job site supervisors and employees.
Experience Modification Rate (EMR)
2023 EMR – .89%
2022 EMR – .93%
2021 EMR – .83%

Quality Control
A project specific Quality Control plan is generated on every NGI project and is developed for each specific phase of our work (layout verification, interior framing walls, frame ceilings/soffits, backing, drywall/top of wall/sealants, exterior framing, etc.) NGI also uses tablets as part of our QC plan to ensure the model gets to our field correctly and installed per the model. Further, NGI will be responsible for pre-inspections of each area before formal inspections are made. All material orders are checked to match the approved submittals. When the material is delivered, it is checked once again to make sure it matches the approved submittals.